Kingswood Catering
We are lucky to have an on-site kitchen where all the food is freshly prepared on a daily basis. We provide free hot meals to all of our reception and KS1 children. Our catering provider is Kingswood Catering. Orders are made online at Homepage | Kingswood Catering. Meals need to be ordered by Wednesday the week before and cost £2.53. Cancellations can be made by contacting Kingswood directly.
Information for allergies, menus and how to register can be found here: Downloads | Kingswood Catering
Free School Meals
My child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2
All children in reception, year One or year Two are automatically entitled to free school meals under the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. You will need to find out from the school how to order and access the meals. Contact your child's school directly if you have any other questions about the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme.
Pupil Premium - extra support for your child
You can apply for the Pupil Premium which provides your child's school with additional funding to support them. If you are in receipt of any of the below benefits please apply.
My child is in year Three or above
If you are in receipt of any of the following, your child may be eligible for free school meals.
· Income Support
· Income based Job Seekers Allowance
· Income related Employment and Support Allowance
· Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
· Child Tax Credit, with no element of Working Tax Credit, and a household income
below £16,190 (as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs)
· Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit
· Universal Credit – Based on your income as assessed by Universal Credit
If a child resides in a local authority care home they will not qualify for free school meals.This is because government funding has already been allocated to fund their meals.
For more information including how to apply please download the FSM information sheet or go to the website here.