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Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

At Rushton Primary School our goal is for Pupil Premium children to have equal opportunities compared to their peers. Typical national common barriers to learning for disadvantaged children can be:

  • Lack of support for parents or carers

  • weak language and communication skills

  • lack of confidence

  • more frequent behaviour difficulties

  • low attendance


We have taken this into consideration when considering the challenges our pupils may face.


Our current pupil premium plan ensures they are exposed to the highest quality teaching and wider experiences as is possible to provide. The current plan aims to address any gaps and challenges that may cause children in receipt of Pupil Premium to achieve any differently compared to their peers. The following plan is based on consideration of gaps and challenges and addresses these using research backed methods. We aim for all disadvantaged children to make good progress and achieve high attainment outcomes. We believe that high quality teaching is the foundation of success for these children and therefore our plan reflects that ethos.


Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils at Rushton have consistently demonstrated that high quality teaching is having a significant impact on outcomes. The funding is spent to provide extra-curricular opportunities and emotional and social support for pupils and incorporates tailored interventions. The gap most often evident is in the experiences the pupil premium children are able to access.


Pupil Premium numbers continue to be relatively low compared to other settings but this means it continues to be important that we offer the same level of expectations and participation for these children.


A copy of the current strategy plan can be located below

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Rushton Primary School.

Tel: 01536 710124

Station Road, Rushton, Nr Kettering,

Northamptonshire NN14 1RL

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